Universe, Leave Me Alone

Do ever notice how feelings grow milder when you get older?

Like the magic of Christmas or the feeling of resting on your mother’s shoulder

How your dreams as a child were as big as the universe but now they can fit in a folder

When I was younger I swear different places have different feelings too

Like how New York gives you that warm feeling that all your dreams will come true

But now My feelings have been replaced with this numbness that doesn’t seem to die

Years and years of having to say goodbyes

Even visiting a Christmas tree lot doesn’t even give me a sense of wonder

So I’ve finally decided I don’t won’t to grow any longer

I don’t want to age

I’d like to stay teenaged

Because this numbness is too much

If I dull anymore I’ll be too cold to touch 

So please universe let this girl be

Don’t take my childhood magic away from me


The Unvalued


Ode to The Moon